Membership Forms are sent in April. Please fill out the form with your current information, enclose a check made payable to WFGC, and mail to the current Membership Vice President by May 31. Dues are payable annually in May. New members joining prior to March 1 pay for a full year. New members who join after March 1 will renew May 31 of the following year.
Regular meetings of the Club are usually held on the third Thursday of September, October, November, January, February, March, and April. Refreshments and social time begin at 9:30 a.m. with the meeting starting at 10:00 a.m.
The Officers meet as needed prior to the regular meetings of the club. Standing Committee Chairs attend as needed.
Members may bring guests to any meeting unless otherwise stated. Residents of Windsor Farms may come to one meeting as a guest before joining.
Procedure for becoming a new member
All members are encouraged to invite neighbors to join the Garden Club. An application can be obtained from the Membership Vice President or from this website under the Forms heading. Once completed, the application and a check for dues (if applicable) should be returned to the Membership Vice President.
All members are encouraged to let the Corresponding Secretary know any time a card would be appropriate for a member.
Cancellation of Meetings
In the event of inclement weather, meeting cancellation notification will be through email.
The Windsor Farms Garden Club newsletter is usually emailed to each member in September, November, January, and March or more frequently if needed. A final newsletter for the year is emailed after the Annual Meeting and Luncheon in May. This informative publication contains meeting reminders and descriptions of programs and projects, highlights of board and general meeting agendas, horticultural notes, and current information about upcoming local gardening events of interest to members. Members who would like an item published in the newsletter should submit this information to the Corresponding Secretary no later than the last day of the preceding month before publication.
Each member is encouraged to bring exhibits to meetings designated with an * on pages 2 and 3 of the Yearbook. A Horticulture exhibit is defined as any plant material grown by the exhibitor and in her possession for at least three months. An Artistic exhibit is defined as an arrangement of fresh flowers and plant material, any or all of which may be purchased. Exhibiting is an excellent way to learn, observe and receive constructive comments from the judges and fellow members on your arrangements.
Annual Exhibit Awards
At the May meeting, a first, second and third prize is given in each division. In addition, the Judy Witcher Trophy and the Edith Goodwin Trophy are awarded to the individuals with the most entries in the Artistic Division and who demonstrate excellence in the Horticulture Division, respectively. These are floating trophies.